Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

The "group conscience" is the collective conscience of the group membership and thus represents substantial unanimity on an issue before definitive…
As stated in A.A.'s Responsibility Pledge, “I am responsible … when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be…
Yes. There are committees for Accessibilities, Archives, Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC), Corrections, Grapevine, Literature,…
Congratulations on your new position! You can read about getting listed with GSO and obtaining material to help you get started in your new role.…
Reasons for starting a new group vary, but the ways to go about it are basically the same. Important to establishing an A.A. group is the need for…
In most groups, the chairperson or another officer calls the business meeting, which ordinarily is held on a monthly or quarterly basis. While some…