Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

The service structure is the framework in which our "general services" are carried out. It is the structure that takes the place of government in A.A…
A.A. has no officers or executives who wield power or authority over the Fellowship. There is no “government” in A.A. It is obvious, however, that…
The number of women who are finding help in A.A. for their drinking problem increases daily. Approximately 38 percent of present-day members are…
Grapevine is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous in print, digital and audio. Often referred to as "our meeting in print,” Grapevine…
The “Twelve Steps” are the core of the A.A. program of personal recovery from alcoholism. They are not abstract theories; they are based on the trial…
We in A.A. believe there is no such thing as a cure for alcoholism. We can never return to normal drinking, and our ability to stay away from alcohol…
A central office or intergroup is an A.A. service office that involves partnership among groups in a community — just as A.A. groups themselves are…
Sometimes a referral source asks for proof of attendance at A.A. meetings. Groups cooperate in different ways. There is no set procedure. The nature…
Most groups try to hold a certain amount of money in reserve. There is no predetermined amount for such a reserve, but most groups try to put aside…
The A.A. Guidelines represent the shared experience of A.A. members and groups throughout the United States and Canada. They also reflect guidance…
The general service representative (GSR) is an elected member of your home group. It is a two-year service commitment. The GSR is your home group’s…
The absence of rules, regulations or "musts" is one of the unique features of A.A. as a local group and as a worldwide Fellowship. There are no…