Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

No, contributions to A.A. do not support Grapevine. Grapevine is supported entirely through sales of the magazine and related items. Individuals and…
A group from West Virginia was planning on starting a foundation with a club, a hospital, a rehabilitation center and a research center. They wrote…
No. The recording is of a one-man play called Moments, An Evening with Bill W., written in 1989 by an A.A. member. According to the playwright, an…
Email and we can assist in compiling a history of your group. Please note that the amount of information the GSO Archives holds on…
The General Service Office in New York primarily serves and supports the Fellowship in the United States and Canada, where English, Spanish and…
While there is no formal list of promises in the Big Book, some A.A. members refer to the following passage from the Big Book, Chapter 6: Into Action…
We do not maintain any membership lists, including lists of early members. It is difficult to piece together an accurate list of early members with…
Bill W. was the author of the "To Wives" chapter. It is commonly thought that his wife Lois wrote it. But, as 'Pass It On' describes (page 200), Lois…
We publish 3 newsletters. You can read current and past issues on this website and subscribe on their individual pages.Box 4-5-9: GSO’s quarterly…
Grapevine is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous in print, digital and audio. Often referred to as "our meeting in print,” Grapevine…
The A.A. Guidelines represent the shared experience of A.A. members and groups throughout the United States and Canada. They also reflect guidance…
Service material differs from Conference-approved literature in that it has not come about through Conference Advisory Action. It is produced when…