Frequently Asked Questions

Below there are frequently asked questions arranged by category.

This is entirely a personal matter, but it is usually best for all concerned to let the A.A. member decide who shall be told and when.
Realizing that anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, it is recommended that talks by A.A. members as members be given in…
Yes, if full-face photographs and other easily identifiable photos of A.A. members (who are described as A.A. members) are published or broadcast,…
A group from West Virginia was planning on starting a foundation with a club, a hospital, a rehabilitation center and a research center. They wrote…
Grapevine is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous in print, digital and audio. Often referred to as "our meeting in print,” Grapevine…
Bill W. was not nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In early 1960 an individual from the New York area wrote to Bill concerning the possibility of…
“The 24-hour program” is a phrase used to describe a basic A.A. approach to the problem of staying sober. A.A.s never swear off alcohol for life,…
Social drinking has become an accepted part of business enterprise in many fields these days. Many contacts with customers and prospective customers…
Groups strive to provide as safe an environment as possible in which members can focus on sobriety, and, while anonymity is central to that purpose,…
Most groups try to hold a certain amount of money in reserve. There is no predetermined amount for such a reserve, but most groups try to put aside…
A.A. "service" is anything that helps us to reach a fellow sufferer. Much the way A.A. sponsors share their experience in recovery with their…
Occasionally a person who has been sober through A.A. will get drunk. In A.A. a relapse of this type is commonly known as a “slip.” It may occur…