Proposed Agenda Item Information

Participation in the GSC Process is a year-round cooperative effort.

The Conference meets for six days a year, yet the 135 or so Conference members are active in Conference affairs throughout the year. Every A.A. group shares its experience with other groups through its area delegate to the Conference. 

Does my PAI rise to the policy level? 

For A.A. to run its own affairs, each A.A. group needs to make its voice heard on overall A.A. policies. Proposals are important to the future of Alcoholics Anonymous such as policy decisions or request for changes to Conference-approved literature, and items that might require the collective conscience of the Fellowship. To understand about proposed agenda item submissions in general, please visit the section, "Sources of Agenda Items" in the A.A. Service Manual on page 42.

Who participates in PAI submissions?

AA Groups, Districts and Areas: To contact your local GSR, District, or Area Committee or Delegate, please visit the  “List of General Service Conference Area Websites.” These local A.A. trusted servants strive to help you develop PAIs and discuss Conference Background materials and help the delegate prepare for the GSC. 

Individual A.A. members: Individual A.A. members can participate in the Conference Process by submitting a PAI. 

How to access PAI Forms: To access the PAI form, please contact your Area Delegate, or contact the Conference desk:

What happens after a PAI is submitted?

Your submission will be forwarded to the trustees’ Committee or Board for discussion at their next meeting. Following the meeting, the committee secretary will contact you to let you know the outcome of the committee’s deliberations.

When is the PAI Deadline for the 76th GSC? 

All submissions should be received on or before September 30, 2025, 11:59 pm.

Submissions that are received after this deadline will be considered for the 2027 General Service Conference.

Learn more

Thanks to contributions from A.A. members across the U.S. and Canada here is sampling of resources from GSO that include sharing about participating in the Conference Process: 
Read: “A.A. Service Manual,” “Circles of Love and Service,” and “The A.A. Group.”
Watch Video: “Your General Service Office (GSO), the Grapevine and the General Service Structure"
Listen: “Twelve Traditions Long Form"